x e n o s


Although the Europeans try to hide it, fascism is part of our culture and it remains latent, if not alive. Since the Second World War, Europe has gone from crisis to crisis seeking totalitarian way-outs for its problems. Now, when Europe is dreaming of a political unity which hasn't been achieved, it is threatened by the fall of Eastern countries and the separation of the former Soviet Union with a subsequent question about the State-model, and the impact of a sudden transition from real socialism to capitalism. As a consequence, Europe has turned out to be the territory which receives massive and diverse immigration from East to West and from South to North. One of the most damnable aspects of immigration: Racism and xenophobia. Both of them seem to decide on the use of force against the weak as a means to solve the difficulties which are occasioned by a deep and long economic recession. However the most fierce aggressions and the most fanatical militation are due most times to few youngsters, violence uses to be the last stage in a conflict. both bourgeoisie (educated or simply polite) and lower orders have upholders of racial concepts. The pseudo-science discourse on racism has been incorporated into the darkest places of our conscience. Most times, spontaneosusly, whe we don't make the effort of thinking, we allow ourselves to be persuaded by topics and thus we are able to show racist reactions. The problem arises when these bad-tempered reactions develop in a discourse which is elaborate, systematic and workable.

The mystification of pragmatysm and therefore a discredit of solidarity, the permanent encouragement for the communist voracity and the fact of despising intangible things are creating a situation which, plus a 10% rate of unemployment in the community, social expenditure cuts and a short-term disturbing demographic fall, is becoming the appropiate mixture for the so-called demagogues who, from the simplicity of their analysis or the rudeness of their proposals, draw more response than reasonable from an unsatisfied and deprived of hope electorare. The next step is the resurgence of visionary killers (neo-nazis, fascits or nationalist revolutionaries).

According to the General Office for the Defense of the Constitution, there are about 40.000 right wing extremists in the Unified Germany. Among these extremists, there are 6.000 neo-nazi activists from whith two over seven are skinheads. Likewise, about 70 right wing organizations have been counted up. Among them, there are some political parties that try yo appear to be more moderate and which proclaim that they accept the democratic system, like the Republicans, the German Popular Union (DVU) and the National-democrat Party of Germany (NPD). On their right, despite a fewer number of supporters -more eager for action, however- : the German Liberal Party of the Workers (FAD), National Offensive (NO), National Roll (NL) and the recently forbidded Nationalist Front (NF) and German Alternative (DA).

According to a report by German security organisms, there are close links among these German groups, which also get on very well with other foreign fascist parties. They have in common an exarcebated and agressive nationalism; a racism and a semitism which are based on social-daewinist ideas. They throw into relief military values and the idea of an authoritarian hierarchy upon the basis of a State where order and security prevail. The most remarkable thing is that if four people are detained accused of racist violence, three of them are between 16 and 21 years-old. Musical groups of skinheads,which spread brutally the hate for anything that is strange, are being successful. The band called Endsing (Final victory) says, according to its song "Song of the foreigner": I'm on the street/ whith my eyes open up/ I'm waiting for a Turk/ I thrash him/ imprision them/ or put them in the concentration camp/ I don't mind if you take them away to the desert/ but take them away once and for all/ kill their children/ rape their women/ make an end of their race/ and thus you will scare them.

This enormous potential of violence is not only adressed to foreigners but to other minorities, the weak. homosexuals, handicapped and vagabonds are mistreated and considered as social scum. The jews have also to suffer from the anger of the new ones, who don't conform to profane jewish graveyards and former extermination camps any more.

In Germany 1992, the second year of the unification, there have been up to two thousand aggressions against foreigners and minorities, and over 500 of them were carried out with Molotov cocktails and explosives. Sequels: 17 deaths and over 800 wounded people. In May the 29 th, 1993, the outrage in Solingen, where three little girls and two women of turkish nationality were dead, must have been the gravest one since the beginning in Germany, several years ago, of xenophobic acts. The number of victims is up to 9 this year. German society is sunk in shame and bewilderment, not able to know which measures to adopt to stop xenophobic crimes. But it's true that, as the minister of the Departament of the Interior, Rudolf Seiters, said: "with six and a half million foreigners, we need something else than the police task; it is up tp the whole society".

Great Britain has now two right wing parties: The British National Party (BNP), heir to the nationalism; and the National Front (NF), which is the British version of Lepen's party in France and which hides its message of hatred behind the bourgeois respectability and concern about traditional values.

In 1977, the BNP got 100.000 votes in local elections in London. However, the attraction to extreme right wing parties was declining practically till its extintion, in the earlies 80's. The neo-nazi resurgence in Europe has given a new drive to these parties, despite the few number of members and votes: In this year's local elections, the candidates have just got a 3'5 % of the ballot. It is calculated that the BNP has got 600 members, and the NF number of members is under 200.

In 1992 racist killings took place in Great Britain, plus countless attacks against Hindus, Pakistanis and other racial minorities which form the population.

The estreme right wing leader who, since more than fifteen years ago, presides over the National Front, the most organized and powerful "ultra" group, Jean-Marie Le Pen, keeps on basing his politics on xenophobia, disguised as "national identity and sovereignty".

Jean-Marie Le Pen is a classic xenophobe, he has repeated unflaggingly that immigrants "take our bread and our jobs". However, his butler is a black man. Annyway, in the last elections in March 1993, the French supported this theory with a 12% of the ballot.

After 12 years in power, the socialists feel defeated-; the moderate right wing is feeling a historic triumph. The country has been shaken by an earthquake which consequences are not quantifiable.

The night of the second round of legislative elections, the leaders of the RPR and the UDF almost apologized for the reach of their victory: "with 500 deputees and a 40% of votes we're not France's owners at all".

The economic crisis has recalled the old ghosts, with